Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How To Series: Cleats

Cleats:  The Right Fit for MVP

Lets face it.  Kids grow fast!  They begin the season in one size cleat and end the season a size and a half larger.  How does that happen?  We are ending our "How To" series with how to properly size a cleat. Although we cannot help you predict growth spurts we can give you some guidance on how cleats should fit to protect your MVP.

First and most importantly the cleat must fit properly to prevent injury. 
- The ankle, arch and the sides of the foot are crucial areas to pay attention to when choosing a cleat.  The cleat should give plenty of support but no restrict the players movement.

- Choose cleats that are snug but not uncomfortable.  Some cleats are made of leather and leather will stretch out after multiple wears.  Choose a cleat that is snug to you in the beginning and wear them a few times before a game.  The key is to choose cleats that are not tight around the ankle or across the top of the foot.

Does the material matter when choosing cleats?
- Yes.  Synthetic material cleats are fine for beginners because they are easy to clean but for more seasoned players, chose cleats that are made of full grain leather.  Leather cleats breath well, offer superior strength, and durability.

What are cleat studs?
- Cleat studs are the pointed objects on the bottom of the shoe.  Usually you will not be faced with what length stud you need for your season.  However, choose shorter studs for hard surfaces, such as the infield and longer studs for soft surfaces, such as the outfield. 

Don't let choosing cleats break the bank.  It is easy to get caught up in the most popular brands and colors.  The most important fact to remember when choosing cleats is that the fit must be right.  Avoid a season ending injury or worse by choosing cleats that fit and protect.

Almega Sports has you covered when it comes to cleats and sports equipment.  We carries the name brands you want at the prices you deserve.  We even carry gently used sports equipment.  If you can not find what you are searching for in our retail store we will order it for you and have it within days.  Stop by and let the Almega Sports team help you prepare your player for the field.

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